About Somatic Experiencing

"About Somatic Experiencing: What to expect from this body-oriented therapeutic approach." Next to the text, a photo of Eliane.

Somatic Experiencing™ (SE) is a body-oriented therapeutic modality that can resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma which have accumulated in your body and nervous system. Developed by Dr. Peter Levine more than four decades ago, SE intersects the disciplines of biology, neuroscience, psychology, and mindfulness-based practices. It is a very gentle approach that will…

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Hypnotherapy: Exploring the Depths of Your Mind

"Everything you are wondering about Hypnotherapy... Annamarie has Questions & Answers for you in the description!" A circular photo of Annamarie smiling at the bottom right.

Hypnosis is often misunderstood, thanks to movies and flashy stage shows where hypnotists seem to wield mystical powers over their subjects, or tell you how sleepy you are getting. In reality, hypnosis—also known as trance—is a natural state of mind that we all experience daily. Have you ever zoned out on your daily commute arriving…

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Keep Your Body in Balance: Acupuncture as Regular Health Maintenance

"Keep your Body in Balance: Acupuncture as Regular Health Maintenance." The image features a circular photo of a very relaxed woman, and a photo of our acupuncturist, Christine.

Did you know that regular acupuncture can supercharge your immune system? It’s not just for relieving pain—it’s also a powerful way to support your body’s natural defences. By improving circulation and stimulating the immune system, acupuncture helps your body fight off infections, reduce inflammation, and maintain overall well-being. Think of it as a natural boost…

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Supporting the back-to-school transition

“Supporting the Back-to-school Transition. Kyla’s tips and tricks for a gentle start of the school year.” A photo of Kyla at the bottom left.

As September arrives, the back to school transition can be difficult for students and their families. The change in routine, the endless to-do-lists, the apprehension about starting a new school or being in a new classroom can be overwhelming, bringing on feelings of anxiety and stress. So how can we support our children and ourselves…

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